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Live broadcast of landing of India’s Chandrayaan-3

Lakhimpur Commerce College organized a Special Assembly

Lakhimpur Commerce College organised a Special Assembly on the occasion of landing of India’s Chandrayaan-3 on the southern pole of moon on 23-08-2023 from 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm at college campus. Dr. Lohit Hazarika, Principal of Lakhimpur Commerce College delivered a short speech on the occasion of event. He told in his speech that it is a historic and proud moment for the people of India and called for attending the live broadcast. Dr. Manoj Kr. Sil, Assistant Professor of Hindi Department of Lakhimpur Commerce College coordinated the whole live broadcast. The teaching staff, non-teaching staff and students were attended the live broadcast. Dr. Lohit Hazarika, Principal of the College appreciated the organisers for the  successful completion of the event.