An Online National Webinar on “Emerging Indian Securities Market & Career Opportunities” was organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Lakhimpur Commerce College in association with AMFI, Mumbai on 8th February, 2023. The webinar was inaguarated by Dr. Lohit Hazarika, Principal, Lakhimpur Commerce College. Dr. Dadul Rajkonwar, Coordinator of the webinar addressed the participants and delivered the objective of the webinar. Mr. Raghunandan Pattnaik, Resource Persons of the Webinar delivered fruitful lecture on the topic of Indian Secruties market and Career Opportunities. He highlighted on the use of investment opportunities available in the Securities market and emphasised on the skilling of the students in various aspects of securities market to get job opportunities. A number of students and teachers participated in the webinar. The webinar is ended vote of thanks.