Floral tributes were paid to Dr. S.R. Ranganathan on the occasion of his 131st birth anniversary at Lakhimpur Commerce College today. Obseved as the National Librarian’s Day it was celebrated in the college with convergence of working librarians and discussions on the life and works of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan, the father of library science in India. A function was organized by the central library of the college which was chaired by Principal, Dr. Lohit Hazarika. The function began with the lighting of traditional lamp before the portrait of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan by Vice Principal Prof. Gopal Kumar Chetry. The objective of the meeting was explained by Runjun Bruah, Liberian of the central library of Lakhimpur Commerce College. Dr. Nikhil Hazarika, librarian of Madhabdev University, Narayanpur attended the function as the appointed speaker. Delivering his speech Dr. Hazarika spoke about various aspects of the works of Dr. Ranganathan and his legacy in the present academic world. He spoke in details of Colon Classification, a code of library book classification developed by Dr. Ranganathan and its immense contribution to the development of libraray and information science.The function was attended by the librarian of Lakhimpur District Library, Deepanjali Das, librarian of North Lakhimpur College (Autonomous) Nizara Gogoi, librarian of LKM College Pradeep Dutta, librarian LTK College Diganta Hazong and librarian of Bihpuria College Mahamaya Chetry. All the invited librarians of various institutions of Lakhimpur district were felicitated by Lakhimpur Commerce College on that occasion. The entire function was anchored by Dr. Harinee P. Das, Assistant Professor, Lakhimpur Commerce College.
1. https://twitter.com/lakhimpurc98529/status/1690287450072207360?s=48