The birth anniversary of Bodofa Upendra Nath Brahma, was observed as Students Day in Lakhimpur Commerce College along with the rest of the state today. A meeting was organized by the Management Department of the college for that occasion which was chaired by Dr. Lohit Hazarika, Principal of the college. The objective of the meeting was explained by Bhairabh Khaklari, Assistant Professor of Management of the college. Sazzad Hussain, HoD of English and columnist attended the function as the resource person. In his speech Prof. Hussain expressed his satisfaction in the effort by the state to commemorate Bodofa Upendra Nath Brahma after three decades of apathy by the mainstream society. He also discussed the life and works of the late student leader and various political, socio-cultural aspects related to his time and the legacy he had left behind. Hussain further pointed out that Bodofa’s case was a pertinent one in learning lessons from history in accommodating the marginalized by the mainstream.
The meeting was also addressed by Dr. Harini Patowary Das, Assistant Professor in English. In her speech Dr. Das talked about the education within the students in the system of depository education espoused by Brazilian academician Paulo Freire. She also highlighted the struggle endured by late Upendra Nath Brahma in attaining his academic degrees by overcoming his economic and social barriers.
The session was also addressed by Suraj Das, Assistant Professor in Management and Rahul Agarwal, a student of MCom classes.
In his presidential speech Principal Dr. Lohit Hazarika, while paying tributes to Badofa Upendra Nath Brahma said that the celebration of his birth anniversary as Students Day would contribute immensely towards nation building and making a very strong and inclusive society. He said that inclusivity and diversity had been the hallmark of Assamese society and the idealism of the Bodofa aptly symbolized it.
The Vice Principal of the college, Gopal Chetry, senior teacher Rajendra Prasad Borah and all the faculty members along with students attended the function. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Purabi Jarampusa, Assistant Professor, Management.
Earlier, rich tributes were paid to Bodofa Upendranath Brahma on his birth anniversary by students, teachers and non-teaching staff of the college in the morning. Principal Dr. Lohit Hazarika led the tribute paying ceremony by lighting the lamp before the portrait of Upendranath Brahma at the college.