World Environment Day observed at Lakhimpur Commerce College today along with the rest of the country. A talk was organized for that occasion by the Eco Club of the college and NSS college unit on “Beat Plastic Pollution: Promote Green Jobs”. The talk programme was chaired by Dr. Lohit Hazarika, Principal of the college and the objective of the meeting was explained by Dr. Harini Patowary Das, member of the Eco Club and Assistant Professor in English of Lakhimpur Commerce College. The talk on the selected topic was delivered by Prof. Sazzad Hussain, HoD-English and an eminent columnist. In his address Prof. Hussain said that plastic had become a complete bane for the modern life as it replaced everyday use objects from utensils to shopping bags. He explained that how the industrial emissions by the western nations in the last three centuries had contributed to the degradation of environment globally for which least industrial nations of the global south suffer equally. On green jobs Prof. Hussain said that it was the ultimate reality of the present day in which a considerable number of trees could be saved from felling if any office work, bank transaction were done digitally and paperless. The meeting was also addressed by Vice Principal Gopal Kumar Chetry and Prof. Tilak Chandra Deka. In his president’s remark, Principal Dr. Lohit Hazarika stressed the need of green practices by the college and asked the teachers to formulate innovations to implement it. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Prof. Pankaj Lochan Das, programme officer of NSS unit, Lakhimpur Commerce College.