Report of “A TALK ON SOCIAL AWARENESS AND MEDICAL RESPONSIBILITY” Organized by Department Of Business Statistics”
Dated: 9th May, 2022
A Talk on Social Awareness and Medical Responsibility was organized by the Department of Business Statistics, LCC on 9th May,2022 at 10 am in Room No.5. Dr. Shilpi Saikia Bordoloi, the DSO of IDSP, Lakhimpur was invited as the resource person to deliver the talk. A good number of Teaching, non-teaching staff and students attended the programme.The meeting started with a welcome address by Dipjan Gohain, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Business Statistics, who also highlighted on the need of addressing the issue on Social Awareness and Medical Responsibility. The Principal of the college, Dr. Lohit Hazarika chaired the meeting and in his welcome speech he expressed the hope that students would be benefitted by the interactive session with the resource person. The Resource person started the session with interaction between the students, knowing from the students about various diseases, root cause of it and how to avoid it. She also specified with population growth. In the session the participants raised their queries related to the theme of the talk and it were met effectively by the resource person. The programme ended with a vote of thanks by Mrs .Bohnisikha Bordoloi, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Business Statistics.