Institutional Distinctiveness
Lakhimpur Commerce College is the first pioneer Higher Education Institution of Commerce in the North Bank of the Brahmaputra established on 4th September 1972. The Arts Stream was introduced in the college in the year 1993. With each passing year, one more class was added and in this way, by 1997 all classes up to Under Graduate level were opened in Arts Stream. Overall students’ performance in both Arts and Commerce streams has been satisfactory. The Teaching- Learning process in the college is exclusively Learner Centric. The college also provides regular career counseling programmes for the benefit of the students to cope up with the present globalised era. The college practices a special concern for the slow and under-performed learners. Remedial classes for the slow and under- performed learners are regularly conducted. A few departments have regularly been publishing Wall Magazines showcasing the literary and creative skills/talents of the students. However, the college also publish college magazine. Most of the Departments organize Departmental Workshops, Interactive Lectures, Quiz, Group Discussion etc among the students supervised by the faculty members of the college. The entire college environment can be regarded as Complete Ragging Free institution. Apart from providing the traditional degrees such as Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Arts, the college also facilitates CCA (Certificate of Computer Application) since 2001 onwards.The college has continuously been functioning a study centre and Exam centre under Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) since June 2000 providing UG, PG, Certificate and Diploma courses to the students. The college also runs a study centre of Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University (KKHSOU).The College organizes educational/excursion trip for the students. Each year, the department of Assamese organizes an Educational Excursion Trip for the students supervised and accompanied by the faculties of the Department to places of historical or religious importance. The department of Education also organizes such trips. The college practices the habit of preserving the Question papers of previous examinations kept well in the college library for the benefits of the students.Due to covid-19 pandemic, regular classes as well as examinations were held online.
The institution makes all efforts to maintain transparency in its financial, academic, administrative and auxiliary functions.
Transparency in Financial Functions:
The institution maintains systematic accounts on utilization of financial resources of the college including different grants received from the government within a period of time. Utilization of all Government and UGC grants and assistance is certified by a reputed Chartered Accountant after due verification. All payments of the college are carried out through cheques and online (Net Banking) mode. The Accounts Department maintains the receipts and payments with supporting documents and provides all the necessary books of accounts for the purpose of audit. An Auditor of the Local Fund, Govt. of Assam who is appointed by the Governing Body conducts the internal audits of the college. External Audits of the college are conducted by an Audit Officer/Auditor appointed by the Joint Director, Local Fund, Govt. of Assam. The appointed Internal Auditor audits all the financial statements, bank and cash transactions, and verifies the Ledger, Stock Register, Cash Book, supporting Vouchers and all other evidences relating to purchase of different assets by the college within a given period of time. After the audit, a detailed Report is prepared by Internal Auditor along with Receipts and Payments Accounts of all funds of the college and the said Report is placed before the Governing Body by the Principal and Secretary for approval.
Transparency in Academic Functions:
Information on academic functions of the college is provided through the college website. Admission Committee carries out the entire process of new admission under the direct supervision of the Principal. List of selected candidates are displayed on the college notice board and college website for admission. The Academic Committee of the college prepares class routine, oversees running of classes and takes stock of progress of courses and gives suggestions for improvement. The Examination Monitoring Committee conducts sessional examinations and keeps all records of examinations and displays all internal marks of students on the notice board.
The attendance of the students in the classes is recorded.
Transparency in Administrative Functions:
For maintaining transparency in administrative function of the college; a system of office automation has been adopted which facilitates students’ data base admission process and fund management. E-mail ID and phone numbers of the students are collected at the time of admission for notifying students the dates of events, examination and filling up forms through mobile SMS. Students are provided facilities for open access to e-resources in the library. The students’ grievances are redressed by the Grievance Redressal Cell. Feedbacks are collected from stakeholders, i.e. students, teachers, guardians and alumni and after feedback analysis; steps are taken for improvement in the necessary areas. Biometric machine has been installed for recording daily attendance of teachers and office staff. The Governing Body is the highest decision making authority of the college and recruitments and promotions are transparently done as per Govt. and UGC guidelines. Different Committees and Cells are constituted to assist the administration.