Examination related grievances are dealt with at two levels:
1. At college level, Internal assessment related grievances are dealt with.
2. At university level, End semester examination related grievances are dealt with forwarding from the Principal of the college.
In the following ways, at college level, Internal assessment related grievances are dealt with:
i. There is an Examination Monitoring Committee (Internal) in the college which redresses the grievances of students related to internal assessment and evaluation in consultation with the respective Heads of Departments.
ii. At first, the answer scripts of sessional examinations and home assignments are evaluated by the subject concerned teachers and for maintaining transparency and efficiency, these are randomly verified by the concerned Head of the Department.
iii. The answer scripts of sessional examinations are thoroughly evaluated and then shown to the students in class rooms for maintaining transparency.
iv. Home assignments are also properly evaluated and accordingly marks are awarded. If any student has any grievance relating to marks obtained in the sessional examinations and home assignments, he/she can approach the concerned department Head or the concerned subject teacher immediately after the publication of the mark list on the college notice board.
v. Having received/heard the grievance of the student, the concerned subject teacher or the Head of the Department, redresses it at the earliest possible.
In the following ways, at university level, End Semester Examination related grievances are dealt with:
i. After publication of results of the End Semester Examinations, if a student has any grievance in respect of his/her results in a particular subject, he/she can formally apply through the Principal of the college to the university in a specified form with requisite fees for re-scrutiny only within 10 (Ten) days of the publication of the results. The University takes care to publish the re-scrutiny results as early as possible.
ii. Re-scrutiny in maximum of two papers is allowed by the University.
iii. Marks awarded after Re- scrutiny shall be retained as the final marks even if such marks may be lower than the marks originally awarded and a fresh mark-sheet shall be issued. No claim whatsoever for retaining the original marks shall be entertained.
iv. Mention may be made that as per Dibrugarh University Examination Regulation, there is no provision for re-evaluation of answer scripts of the end semester examinations vide Dibrugarh University notification no. DU/DR-A/8-1/11/1534 dated 14.03.2011.
Thus, the College and the University takes care to redress grievances of students in respect of examination and evaluation in a transparent, time-bound and efficient manner.