A Workshop sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) was held in Lakhimpur Commerce College today. Organized by the IQA Cell and Research Cell of the college in collaboration with District Hub for empowerment of Women (DHeEW) in Lakhimpur, the workshop was the part of the the ICSSR funded research project on An Empirical Study of the Scope and Challenges of BBBP scheme in Tea Garden areas of Lakhimpur and Dhemaji districts in Assam by Dr. Harini P. Das , Assistant Professor, Lakhimpur Commerce College. The day long seminar was inaugurated by Dr. Muhidhar Pujari, the President of the Governing Body of the college. The objective of the meeting was explained by Dr. Harini Patowary Das, project director of the research programme. The inaugural session of the workshop was chaired by Dr Lohit Hazarika , the Principal of the college who also delivered the welcome address. The inaugural session was addressed by Prasenjit Das, secretary, District Legal Service Authority, Lakhimpur, Nibha Rani Saikia, District Programme Officer, Samagra Siksha, Lakhimpur and Dr. Suresh Dutta, Physician. Prangana Bora, District Programme Coordinator, DHEW, Lakhimpur delivered the key-note address of the inaugural session.The first technical session was chaired by Prof. Sazzad Hussain , Vice Principal of the college. Derajul Hussain, Programme Officer, Smagara Siksha, Lakhimpur and Devanga Vikash Gogoi, District Programme Manager, NHM,Lakhimpur attended the session as resource persons. The summary of the ICSSR research programme was presented by Krishna Pratim Bordoloi, field surveyor of the project in the session.The second technical session was chaired by Dr. Lohit Hazarika, Principal of the college. Senior journalist, film maker and anti-trafficking activist Farhana Ahmed attended the session as resource person. Her short film on human trafficking from Assam's tea estates was screened in the session. Dr Jolly Neog, Medical and Health Officer of Bogeenadi Model Hospital attended the session as resource person. She spoke about prevailing health issues affecting women and girl child in tea plantation areas of the state. A valedictory session was held at the end of the workshop which was attended by Sanjeev Tanti, Swcretary Assam Chah Mazdoor Sangh, Lakhimpur.