World Water Day was observed at Lakhimpur Commerce College along with the rest of the world with calls for solving water crisis mutually. A meeting was organized for that occasion by the Eco Club of the college which was chaired by Dr. Lohit Hazarika , the Principal of the college. The objective of the meeting was explained by Prof. Pinki Barman , Coordinator of the Eco Club of the college. Vice Principal of the college and eminent columnist Sazzad Hussain delivered a lecture on the theme of this year's World Water Day--water for peace. He discussed issues related to the Cauvery water dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and trans-boundary rivers like the Brahmaputra and the Ganges and their importance for peace and cooperation. The meeting was also addressed by Runjun Baruah, librarian of the college. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by Prof. Purabi Jarampusa.